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A few Caffene facts

H ow much of your favorite caffeinated drink would it take to kill you? Take this quick test and find out: Energy Drink Ingredients Wine is grapes. Sure, there's a lot of different kinds, but who really cares? Beer is hops, barley, water–again, pretty boring. Anyone who's reasonably intelligent would look somewhere to see what they're putting in their body. Especially if it makes you warm and tingly. Here, then, is your is your research, handed to your ass on a silver platter. Read More .   The Caffene Database This is the most complete list of caffeine that I know of. If you know something better, let me know, I'll add it! I want this to be the resource that everyone uses. Read More .  
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Is there really a GOD ? Read this to find out.

This is a hilarious account of the conversation that a professor of philosophy has with his students. The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand. "You're a Believer, aren't you, son?" "Yes, sir." "So you believe in God?" "Absolutely." "Is God good?" "Sure! God's good." "Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?" "Yes." "Are you good or evil?" "The Book says I'm evil." The professor grins knowingly. "Ahh! THE BOOK!" He considers for a moment. "Here's one for you. Let's say there's a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?" "Yes sir, I would." "So you're good...!" "I wouldn't say that." "Why not say that? You would help a sick and maimed person if you fact most of us would...

10 ways to create content for your weblog

Myself being knee deep into active blogging, I couldn't resist reading this article on which gives Top ten ways to create content for your weblog . The top ten being... Check your mail and give a reply Visit the blogs listed on your blogroll on a regular basis. Comment in your own blog about what others are writing, with a link back to the original blog Read, listen to or watch news. Collaborate with others. Create lists. Like "100 most popular email accounts" ... you get the idea ? Play games, answer surveys or take quizzes Blog about a topic choosen at random. Check what others are writing ... In fact be the pulse of news generation. Do something new. The author left out one thing though, that is blog about your hobby or something you enjoy. Anyway I am not into blogging for blogging's sake . I do it because I enjoy doing it. The moment I start getting bored, I will quit blogging.

How to go from Introvert to Extrovert

S ome of us are introverts and many are extroverts. Being a cronic introvert will make one a social outcast and a person who is an extreme extrovert will be considered a pain in the ass by others. So I guess the best way is the middle path that is neither a introvert or an extrovert but someone who adapts according to circumstances. Stevepavlina has writen this wonderful article called Steps needed to change from an Introvert to an Extrovert which explains the steps needed for changing one's behaviour to get the most out of life which I am listing in a short format. Blocks to becoming an extrovert Undervaluing extroversion - Spending time alone and with people are equally important. If you’re very introverted, you may undervalue the positive role people can play in your life, such as knowledge, friendship, growth, laughter, and so on. The optimal outcome is to strike a balance between the two. You don’t have to give up the introvert activities you enjoy. In fact, when you balanc...

How to give a great presentation

P ublic speaking can be very stressful.Here are several good tips, tricks and resources that will hopefully help in giving a great presentation. These things should help whether you’re speaking at a large conference, giving a small internal presentation to you coworkers or classmates or giving a sales pitch. They’re pretty universal. Mental and Physical Preparation Before Your Presentation I’ve found that the more prepared I am, the more confident I feel. This makes for a better presentation. As you get comfortable speaking you’ll naturally feel more confident and the need to prepare (and time it takes) will not be so important. For newer and first time speakers I think you should spend as much time as you can getting ready. Well, don’t make yourself crazy, just make sure you know and feel comfortable with your material and practice a few times. If you’ve never spoken before a meeting with a speech coach can really help. They talk with you, get an idea of your style and will offer you ...

Most popular softwares bookmarked on

H ere I am going to list all the popular softwares that I have bookmarked on . Hmm... not quite all. Since I have tons of bookmarks on, I will be following a rule here. Only those softwares that have been bookmarked by at least 99 other people other than myself will find their way to this post. Audio & Video Vnc2swf is a screen recording tool for X-Window (X11), Windows and Mac OS Desktop. Vnc2swf captures the live motion of a screen through VNC protocol and converts it a Macromedia Flash(TM) movie (.swf). Foobar 2000 is an advanced audio player for the Windows platform. Some of the basic features include Replay Gain support, low memory footprint and native support for several popular audio formats. Stream Ripper is an Open Source (GPL) application that lets you record streaming mp3 to your hard drive. Audacity is a free, cross-platform sound editor. DbPowerAmp is a collection of audio tools which can be used for such things as digitally rippin...

Five remedies to cure Homesickness

I came across this article in written by John Frenaye which according to him are the five steps needed to cure homesickness. In a nutshell, these are the things he recommend for tackling effectively the issue of homesickness when away from home. Bring a piece of home with you . Nothing eases homesickness than a few mementos of your home and loved ones. Bring small photographs in a folding frame for your nightstand— your kids, wife, girlfriend, or loyal pooch. Do you have any young kids? Bring a recent piece of “art.” Does your wife or girlfriend wear a perfume that you love — bring along a sachet that will remind you of her. Stay in touch . Keeping in touch keeps home close to you and you close to home. There are ways to work around a time difference, but it is important to be sure to keep in touch with your home base — not your office, your home base. Be sure you know that Jimmy won his soccer game, and that your wife had the day from hell, and that Susie has t...