Procrastination is the bane of any society. If you need to do a specific thing, you have a tendency to find numerous excuses to put the thing off. Most of the goals that a person sets for himself remain unrealized because he tackles those goals in an unrealistic manner. Here I will list Top Ten Motivators which might help a person to work consistently towards realizing his/her chosen goal.
- Most goals are abandoned because they are too big and vague.
- Break your goal down into smaller tasks.
- Choose a concrete and measurable action.
- Have a solid idea of what successful completion looks like.
- You don't have to commit hours at a time to accomplish a goal.
- The greatest advances are the sum total of a series of small efforts.
- Commit to spending just 15 minutes a day.
- Do something that moves you closer to accomplishing your goal
- Repetition is the mother of success.
- Remind yourself of your goals every day.
- Turn your most important goal into a one-sentence affirmation.
- Phrased as though you have already accomplished your goal.
- Repeat regularly and it becomes your natural way of thinking.
- Try to get friends to help out with your project.
- Offer to reciprocate and help your friend in return.
- Two can get more done in a shorter period of time than one.
- You hold each other accountable to accomplishing your goals
- Make yourself accountable by telling others of your plans.
- They become interested in your progress and check in with you.
- Inspires you to keep going and overcome your obstacles.
- The worst deadline you can set for yourself is "this year".
- Too vague, too broad, and too much room for slacking.
- Make a commitment to someone else to add some pressure.
- Knowing that others are counting on you often gets you going
- If you write a goal down, it is more likely to come to fruition.
- You invest time and energy writing your goals down.
- Putting goals on paper makes you more committed to the outcome.
- Plus it's therapeutic to cross items off when they are completed.
- Ask yourself some hard questions about each goal.
- Ask why you haven't made more progress and what's in your way.
- Ask if the goal is still important to you.
- If your priorities have changed, drop it from your list.
- As you plan your goals, attach a specific reward to each.
- The reward should be commensurate with the amount of work.
- Be consistent about rewarding yourself for every accomplishment.
- Each completion deserves a reward, no matter how small.
- Take time to acknowledge the fact that you accomplished a goal.
- Don't simply charge into the next task or you will burn out.
- Remember the time and effort you invested.
- Savor the feeling of completion.
- Refresh and renew your enthusiasm to continue.